
Pontiac Times

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Who voted in Southern City of Rochester Hills: Precinct Rochester Hills City 00022 during 2020 Presidential Election?

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U.S. President Joe Biden & Former U.S. President Donald Trump | Wikipedia

U.S. President Joe Biden & Former U.S. President Donald Trump | Wikipedia

As we approach the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election, a review of the 2020 voting patterns in Southern City of Rochester Hills: Precinct Rochester Hills City 00022 can provide valuable insights. In the contest between Donald J. Trump and Joe Biden, 1,178 of the 1,421 residents cast their ballots, resulting in an 82.9% turnout, according to the Michigan Secretary of State.

The voting breakdown in Southern City of Rochester Hills: Precinct Rochester Hills City 00022 reveals 47% of the total supporting Republicans, and 51.1% of the votes for Democrats, highlighting the precinct's political preferences.

Overall, 243 registered voters in Southern City of Rochester Hills: Precinct Rochester Hills City 00022 did not vote in 2020.

Additionally, an estimated total of 1,652 residents were reported to be aged 18 or older in Southern City of Rochester Hills: Precinct Rochester Hills City 00022, according to the last US Census and the 2021 American Community Survey.

The Michigan Secretary of State oversees all aspects of the state's elections, working to ensure secure and accessible voting, as well as an accurate certification of election results.

2020 Voter Participation in Southern City of Rochester Hills: Precinct Rochester Hills City 00022
NameBirthdateAddressVoted/Didn't Vote
Aaron Christopher Bambach01/01/19681698 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Aaron Dwaine Morris01/01/19613186 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Aaron William Shooltz01/01/19861918 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Abdul Taher Fazul01/01/19563802 S Livernois Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48307Voted
Abigail Jane Weaver01/01/20011748 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Abigail Lynn Hartness01/01/19943567 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Abu Bakarr Bangurah01/01/19643029 Fantail Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Abu-Bakarr Sidic Bangurah01/01/19983029 Fantail Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Ada Lynn Mirovsky01/01/19601917 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Adam Aaron Yavornitzky01/01/19893710 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Adam Donald Stauffer01/01/19811877 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Adam James Bloom01/01/19881732 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Adam Price Tyler01/01/19691612 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Adam Thomas Schmitt01/01/19941886 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Adam Zacklan Vanburen01/01/19861370 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Adeal A. Hurmiz01/01/19943915 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Adja Alexis Holt01/01/19941896 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Adrian Mangiuca01/01/19871644 Wilmington Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Adriana Laura Pal01/01/19741732 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Afshan Ghayas01/01/19593072 Fantail Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Agnes Rea Fisk01/01/19651135 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Ahmad Fayez Baiyasi01/01/19961621 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Ahmad Zmily01/01/19763057 Fantail Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Ahmed Khalaf Al-Habashneh01/01/19523531 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Aileen Andrion Francisco01/01/19703058 Wilmington Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Alan John Goloweyco01/01/19861262 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Alex Joseph Mueller01/01/20013224 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Alexander Deifel01/01/19943427 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Alexander James Hamilton01/01/20003925 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Alexander James Tourtillott01/01/19871288 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Alexander Joseph Drukas01/01/19843646 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Alexander Lawrence-shelburn Tremonti01/01/19883916 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Alexander Sean Roussey01/01/20013424 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Alexis Jiachen Yan01/01/20003102 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Alfredo Cartagena-Colon01/01/19633103 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Ali Habib01/01/19601933 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Ali Siemsintinofski01/01/19601168 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Alicia Marie Taylor01/01/19793627 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Alicia Rae Wixson01/01/19973212 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Alina Ban01/01/19841184 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Alina Stobaugh01/01/19811363 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Alisha Mourine Burke01/01/19923739 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Alison Elizabeth Sieh01/01/19873665 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Aliyah Nicole Williams01/01/19971644 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Alize Larene Sims01/01/20013746 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Allen Ozersky01/01/19703711 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Allison Ann Drabek01/01/20013235 Fulham Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Alvina Laurel Rhodes01/01/19561832 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Alyssa Rochelle George01/01/19961691 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Amanda June Moskal01/01/19913284 Fulham Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Amanda Leigh Lavoie01/01/19763072 Wilmington Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Amanda Mae Eschendal01/01/19853722 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Amanda Merrena Marich01/01/19813571 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Amanullah Imtiaz01/01/19703221 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Amber Alicia Kleindl01/01/19633675 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Amelita Bassig Fermin01/01/19623690 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Amir D. Kejbou01/01/19543030 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Amira Nebil Semaan-Habbaba01/01/19571883 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Amit Kumar01/01/19753043 Fantail Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Amy Anne Ryczko01/01/19833787 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Amy Elim Chen01/01/19661567 W Auburn Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Amy Elizabeth Gudenau01/01/19761383 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Amy Ellen Dubrul01/01/19583537 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Amy Lynn Phillips01/01/19813484 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Amy Lynn Ploof01/01/19713553 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Amy Marie Thomas01/01/19771866 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Ana Maria Newcomer01/01/19663089 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Andia Hila01/01/20001733 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Andrea Alice Roll01/01/19671187 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Andrea Leigh Lewis01/01/19843640 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Andrea Lyn Kelley01/01/19743599 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Andrea Marie Drukas01/01/19843646 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Andrea Mayda Brown01/01/19653248 Fulham Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Andrea Michelle Yamarino01/01/19791228 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Andrea Victoria Lopatin01/01/19771600 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Andrew James Miller01/01/19873738 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Andrew Joseph Wummel01/01/19911754 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Andrew Mitchell Gordon01/01/19991695 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Andrew Nathan Bonucci01/01/19933905 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Andrew Nathaniel Brucki01/01/19911880 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Andrew Robert Hartness01/01/19633567 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Andrew Thomas Dion01/01/19893761 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Andrew Yavornitzky01/01/19533710 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Andriy Melnychuk01/01/19823476 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Andy Sabah Seman01/01/19823915 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Angela Craghead01/01/19691287 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Angela Dawn Tyszka01/01/19761574 Newstead Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Angela Marie Mayle01/01/19661906 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Angela Marie Seehoffer01/01/19823722 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Angeline Peelar01/01/19931100 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Anis Ben-Aoun01/01/19943248 Wren Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Anita Nash Hannosh01/01/19921637 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Anjalalaina Rakouth01/01/19773982 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Anjasoa Meltine Rakouth01/01/19563982 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Ann Logan Rhines01/01/19601347 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Anna Rose Bajorek01/01/19973238 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Annalia Maria-grazia Taccogna01/01/19531663 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Anne Marie Laclave01/01/19613791 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Anne Nicole Brucki01/01/19891880 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Annum Ghayas01/01/19883072 Fantail Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Anthony Carl Ciaramitaro01/01/19753576 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Anthony Francis Gigliotti01/01/19483126 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Anthony Jerry Haddad01/01/19953641 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Anthony Michael Coppola01/01/19891198 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Antonio Taccogna01/01/19461663 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Anupama Sridaran01/01/19903195 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Anya Marie Stimmel01/01/19901297 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Aparna Sridaran01/01/19973195 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Arbor Louis Laclave01/01/19883791 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Armina Mae Marshall01/01/19541553 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Aron Bradley Cruce01/01/19863843 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Arryn Nicole Steele-Schneider01/01/19711120 Brompton Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Ashley Frances Begley01/01/19871212 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Ashley Irene Coy01/01/19903141 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Ashley Marie Chard01/01/19923615 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Ashley Marie Sadler01/01/19853115 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Ashley Nicole Brees01/01/19913525 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Ashley Rae Sumara01/01/19883363 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Ashley Rose Schmiel01/01/19973645 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Asif Mahmood Hans01/01/19713765 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Athena Rochelle Collett01/01/19563764 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Audrey Elizabeth Lubman01/01/20023351 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Austin Tyler Martin01/01/20003917 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Austin William Davies01/01/20023314 Tottenham Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Barbara Ann Ball01/01/19551951 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Barbara Bushra Paul01/01/19493516 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Barbara Kay Taylor01/01/19473627 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Barbara Marie Michon01/01/19613260 Fulham Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Barry Douglas Dodson01/01/19813566 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Barry Richard Parker01/01/19473115 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Benjamin E. Bugenski01/01/20003152 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Benjamin Joseph Schmittdiel01/01/19533319 Fulham Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Bernadette Ratkowiak01/01/19633945 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Bessie Ann Gibson01/01/19533518 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Bethany Ann Clark01/01/19781801 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Betty Ann Kosmas01/01/19653832 S Livernois Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48307Voted
Betty Ellen Zych01/01/19453139 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Betty Hall Clark01/01/19563443 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Betty J. Hall-Clark01/01/19563443 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Beula Pottakulath George01/01/19863284 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Beverly Ann Schmittdiel01/01/19503319 Fulham Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Billy Haskel Thomas01/01/19771866 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Blake Joseph Hertz01/01/19771094 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Blake Miles Griffith01/01/19923236 Fulham Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Boban Ljuljdjurovic01/01/19953576 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Bogyu Kang01/01/19581747 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Bonnie Lynn Ashton01/01/19601304 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Brad Michael Wojtowicz01/01/19621689 Wethersfield Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Brady Patrick Lyons01/01/19963660 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Branden Scott Martin01/01/19943917 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Brandon Daniel Boehmer01/01/19743359 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Brandon Michael Patterson01/01/20011377 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Brenda Denice Holloman01/01/19643032 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Brenda Ellen Hudson01/01/19633773 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Brenda Kaye Anderson01/01/19493848 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Brenda Marie Tourtillott01/01/19621288 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Brenda Sue Trager01/01/19571820 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Brendan Anthony Bugenski01/01/19973152 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Brendan John Pagel01/01/20023181 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Brendan Patrick Calverley01/01/19943674 S Livernois Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48307Didn't Vote
Brendan Thomas Kubert01/01/19973291 Gilsam Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Brenna Ann Macarthur01/01/19953224 Fulham Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Brent Andrew Drabek01/01/19903235 Fulham Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Brent Joseph Monterosso01/01/19461817 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Brian Alan Layzell01/01/19533655 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Brian Christopher Jobak01/01/19591895 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Brian Christopher Lambertz01/01/19661318 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Brian Daniel Lavoie01/01/19763072 Wilmington Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Brian Edward Sowell01/01/19723086 Fantail Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Brian Eugene Chidsey01/01/19761784 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Brian Joseph Para01/01/19813633 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Brian Keith Neiter01/01/19943680 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Brian Kou-tung Lam01/01/19721674 Newstead Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Brian Michael Newton01/01/19731864 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Brian Robert Kennedy01/01/19553690 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Brian Scott Baynes01/01/19631363 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Brian Sheane Harding01/01/19661896 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Brian Vernon Borden01/01/19733055 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Brian William Martin01/01/19633917 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Brianna Dorothy Peterson01/01/19973272 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Brianna Shelby Amell01/01/19933741 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Brice Aaron Galbraith01/01/19893460 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Bridget Ann Soetebeer01/01/19723832 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Bridget B. Drabek01/01/19613235 Fulham Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Bridget Colleen Chudick01/01/19843830 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Brittany Joanne-baize Wrobel01/01/19873971 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Brittany Taylor Cole01/01/19901912 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Brooke Nicole Riggsbee01/01/19931348 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Bruce Alan Fisk01/01/19561135 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Bruce Wayne Zych01/01/19571704 Wethersfield Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Bryan Daniel Caruso01/01/19791377 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Bryan Hugo Iglesias01/01/19961748 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Bryan James Vangorder01/01/19733681 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Bryan Lee Landry01/01/19681830 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Bryan M. Schneider01/01/19701120 Brompton Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Brynolf Ira Peterson01/01/19703272 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Cameron Scott Mercer01/01/19993138 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Caren Ann Fredal01/01/19631886 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Carl Anthony Quaiatto01/01/19453700 S Livernois Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48307Voted
Carl Donald Henkel01/01/19451580 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Carl Gregory Heller01/01/19661878 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Carlton David Crook01/01/19533742 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Carly Leone Gordon01/01/20011695 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Carmeen Wilson Elia01/01/19863302 Tottenham Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Carol Elaine Woods01/01/19551790 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Carol Gwen Traskal01/01/19613015 Wilmington Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Carol Lynn Stouffer01/01/19571428 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Carol Yvonne Rushing01/01/19513401 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Carolyn Ann Lovell01/01/19663833 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Carolyn Boyle01/01/19613632 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Carolyn Elizabeth Falvey01/01/19413835 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Carolyn Francis Jobak01/01/19611895 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Carolyn Irene Mott01/01/20001752 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Carolyn Louise Kelly01/01/19423150 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Carolyn Ruth Boomer01/01/19463515 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Carrie Mae Jacob01/01/19921754 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Catalin Dimitrie Pal01/01/19681732 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Catherine Annabell Heemsoth01/01/19483838 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Cecilia Evangelina Perez01/01/19773168 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Celeste Elizabeth Stimmel01/01/19581297 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Chadd Michael Yagiela01/01/19751430 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Charles Alexander Leonard01/01/19533610 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Charles Brent Carnovsky01/01/19773624 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Charles Eugene Garrison01/01/19303129 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Charles Jack McCracken01/01/19433103 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Charles John Depaola01/01/19513292 Gilsam Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Charles John Moskal01/01/19603284 Fulham Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Charlie Martin Connell01/01/19963126 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Charu Sharma01/01/19773043 Fantail Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Chelsea Hylla Eastman01/01/19921773 W Auburn Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Cheryl Ann Heuer01/01/19533613 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Cheryl Ann Kennedy01/01/19583690 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Cheryl Darline Smith01/01/19431837 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Cheryl Lynn Dichiera01/01/19583200 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Cheryl Lynn Lublin01/01/19611767 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Cheryl Renee Jurkiewicz01/01/19641213 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Chimanbhai M. Patel01/01/19423239 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Chitra Vethanarayanan01/01/19763268 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Chloe R. Connelly01/01/20003197 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Chowdhury Israt Tarammun01/01/19783280 Wren Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Christian Baldwin Senkowski01/01/19993280 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Christian Gabriel Burke01/01/19923739 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Christian Michael Hoffmann01/01/19631677 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Christina Lee Tracy01/01/19793174 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Christina Marie Meli01/01/19833861 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Christina T. Motz01/01/19683610 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Christine Ablahad Gumma01/01/19813310 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Christine Anne Kubert01/01/19633291 Gilsam Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Christine Helen James01/01/19701159 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Christine Marie Buckley01/01/19743302 Tottenham Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Christine Marie Wiegand01/01/19853872 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Christine Mary Pigott-Maciejewski01/01/19651860 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Christine Rose Henri01/01/19891333 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Christopher A. Francisco01/01/19973058 Wilmington Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Christopher Alan Tezak01/01/19773568 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Christopher Bradley Fouch01/01/19963665 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Christopher Brian Pike01/01/19681657 Wilmington Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Christopher Collin Smola01/01/19833525 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Christopher Craig Rose01/01/19843868 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Christopher Francis-edward Stein01/01/19833766 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Christopher Gary Och01/01/19723248 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Christopher James Johnson01/01/19713712 S Livernois Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48307Voted
Christopher John Lopatin01/01/19751600 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Christopher Mark Ward01/01/19853065 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Christopher Michael Klann01/01/19771860 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Christopher Paul Shepard01/01/19823835 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Christopher Thomas Blitz01/01/19723839 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Christy Ann Dion01/01/19883761 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Chung Hing Yeung-Damron01/01/19531394 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Chunlei Stanley Wang01/01/19651760 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Cindy Lou Berta01/01/19533529 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Cindy Lu Boone01/01/19601110 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Clarise Marie Gallagher01/01/19671718 Wethersfield Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Claudia Angelica Kender01/01/19711522 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Cody Elizabeth Rogers01/01/19923734 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Coleta Mengullo Ty01/01/19433185 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Colleen Anne Sieh01/01/19533665 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Colleen Marie Reseigh01/01/19783113 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Colleen Terese Mueller01/01/19733224 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Connor Traskal01/01/19943015 Wilmington Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Constance Marie Hoffner01/01/19543278 Gilsam Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Corinne L. George01/01/19613468 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Cory William Martin01/01/19923917 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Courtney Ann Borden01/01/19763055 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Courtney Lynn Rifenberg01/01/19953816 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Craig Douglas Morrison01/01/19621896 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Cristina Ilona Carlini01/01/19901262 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Cristina Josephine Peterson01/01/19833669 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Crystal Antoinette Jackson01/01/19793103 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Curtis Allen Mayle01/01/19561906 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Cynthia Ann Carr01/01/19633293 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Cynthia Ann Martin01/01/19643917 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Cynthia Dedonatis Tacheny01/01/19653308 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Cynthia Lynn Ness01/01/19563620 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Dale Anthony Ahern01/01/19553666 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Damian Michael Aquino01/01/19761300 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Dan Jason Sypniewski01/01/19783611 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Dana Kathleen Heller01/01/19671878 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Daniel Bob Childers01/01/19801410 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Daniel Charles Bajorek01/01/19673238 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Daniel David Centers01/01/19551860 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Daniel Guillermo Diaz01/01/19543090 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Daniel John Shannon01/01/19551108 Brompton Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Daniel Joseph Lewis01/01/19503760 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Daniel Joseph Podnar01/01/19363091 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Daniel Joseph Wasmund01/01/19851734 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Daniel Long Wang01/01/19993698 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Daniel Paul Palmeri01/01/19891734 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Daniel Phillip Garavaglia01/01/19733605 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Daniel Stephen Cowan01/01/19613560 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Daniel Steven Dahlmann01/01/19621848 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Daniela Raluca Deluca01/01/19773540 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Darinara Marie Heyd01/01/19953792 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Darlene Ann Fisher01/01/19503855 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Darren Chin01/01/19763575 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
David Allen Darovitz01/01/19683085 Fantail Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
David Ambrose Salter01/01/19591855 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
David Anthony Maciejewski01/01/19651860 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
David Anthony Ratkowiak01/01/19613945 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
David Anthony Vangelder01/01/19653175 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
David Clifford Norton01/01/19743835 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
David Furman Mayle01/01/19501906 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
David George Preston01/01/19471377 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
David Gustav Bergman01/01/19553804 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
David I. Ghitas01/01/20011949 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
David James Geschke01/01/19631265 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
David John Pastori01/01/19611676 Wethersfield Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
David Joseph Serafino01/01/19673057 Wilmington Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
David Kenneth Redcap01/01/19903515 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
David Lee Carson01/01/19513490 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
David Lee Grimsley01/01/19591857 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
David Lee Marshall01/01/19443020 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
David Lord Bandurski01/01/19733868 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
David Mitchell Sumara01/01/19863363 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
David Phillip Vanacker01/01/19683313 Tottenham Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
David Stanford Thomas01/01/19661748 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
David T. Parks01/01/19623167 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
David William Day01/01/19463279 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
David William McCracken01/01/19913696 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Dawn Marie Bovensiep01/01/19753550 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Dawn Marie Jablonowski01/01/19671916 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Dawn Nicole Siegel01/01/19753085 Wilmington Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Dawn Reatta Peterson01/01/19703272 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Dayna Lauren Kleist01/01/19893137 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Dayton Frederick Patterson01/01/19361266 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Deborah Diane Yon01/01/19503712 S Livernois Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48307Voted
Deborah Gail Daugherty01/01/19563703 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Deborah Lorene Medlen01/01/19561759 W Auburn Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Deborah Lynn Preston01/01/19521377 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Deborah Lynn Uhls01/01/19551244 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Deborah Marie Kirgis-Miller01/01/19681220 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Debra Ann Macarthur01/01/19533224 Fulham Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Debra Lynn Landry01/01/19671837 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Deirdre Marie Mercer01/01/19703138 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Dejan Momcilovic01/01/19913295 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Del Roy Campbell01/01/19711600 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Delaney Marie Mercer01/01/20023138 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Delia A. Redwine01/01/19581672 Wilmington Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Delilah Ann McCullough01/01/19483525 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Delphine May Gibson01/01/19773518 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Denis David Dill01/01/19413680 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Denise Ann Robertson01/01/19573743 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Denise Joel Dunn01/01/19663153 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Denise Smith01/01/19613427 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Denna Elaine Weckbacher01/01/19653940 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Dennis Richard Murphy01/01/19523530 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Dennis Walter Tew01/01/19553722 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Dennise Marie Lortie01/01/19521831 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Derek Adam Smith01/01/19833881 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Derrick John Haaf01/01/19693328 Brompton Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Devin Lee-tyler Forgacs01/01/19973783 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Diana Marie Hobert-Powell01/01/19571785 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Diane Lorraine MacDonald01/01/19703307 Fulham Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Diane Marie Iglesias01/01/19551748 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Diane Marie Moskal01/01/19603284 Fulham Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Diane Sharon Major01/01/19521846 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Dina Stas Baiyasi01/01/19661621 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Dm Noor-ruhul Alam01/01/19733280 Wren Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Doina Batu01/01/19531184 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Dolores Carmen-reyes Aquino01/01/19731300 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Dolores Mae Kitchen01/01/19343748 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Doloris Ann Podnar01/01/19383091 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Donald Dean Hackett01/01/19621927 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Donald Edward Matott01/01/19663855 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Donald Joseph Godbee01/01/19483889 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Donald Leslie Stouffer01/01/19271428 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Donald Mason McClelland01/01/19643492 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Donna Jean Marcella01/01/19483742 S Livernois Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48307Voted
Donna Kay Kuykendall01/01/19601895 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Doria Onesa-ashley Howard01/01/19973345 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Doris Anne Sova01/01/19501872 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Douglas Lee Berry01/01/19443786 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Douglas Michael Burgess01/01/19581717 W Auburn Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Douglass James Armitage01/01/19701081 W Auburn Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Du Yeol In01/01/19903140 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Earl Wayne Pillion01/01/19401880 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Edris Jerjes Jarbo01/01/19393516 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Edward Alex Wilcox01/01/19781522 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Edward Arthur Gabriel01/01/19753556 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Edward Walter Tew01/01/19783722 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Elaine Joslin01/01/19481440 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Elda Deliu01/01/19781660 Newstead Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Elham Alsaffar Kathawa01/01/19571658 Wilmington Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Elisabeth Viola Stimmel01/01/19961297 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Elizabeth Ann Johnson01/01/19753712 S Livernois Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48307Voted
Elizabeth Ann-shelburne Tremonti01/01/19803890 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Elizabeth Ellen McCarthy01/01/19561856 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Elizabeth Marie Price01/01/19421705 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Elizabeth Marie Unkel01/01/19903757 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Emil Sorin Biea01/01/19693294 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Emilia Rose Kaszubski01/01/20021096 Brompton Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Emilio Zepeda-Leos01/01/19763100 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Emily Joy Thomas01/01/20021866 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Emily Renee Redcap01/01/19873515 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Eric Charles Rifenberg01/01/19903816 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Eric Craig Thornton01/01/19821959 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Eric Harold Reuter01/01/19553278 Gilsam Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Eric Heiko Kuhn01/01/19621407 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Eric Justin Magiera01/01/19813077 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Eric Siems01/01/19661127 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Erica Lucia Martinez01/01/19921731 W Auburn Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Erica Nicole Boutorwick01/01/19851066 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Erich Lee Kaiser01/01/19723870 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Erika Catherine Coonan01/01/19991803 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Erin Leigh Spry01/01/19893260 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Ertis Tereziu01/01/19903769 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Erwin Bruce Neilson01/01/19541905 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Esther Simon01/01/19733875 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Eugenia Marie Hajduk-Connell01/01/19653126 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Evan Kathawa01/01/19911658 Wilmington Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Fadi Khalid Kamel01/01/19893494 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Fadia Hanna Allos01/01/19471805 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Fadia Y. Georgees01/01/19743723 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Fannie Sue Davis01/01/19473395 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Fareeha Ahmed01/01/19833043 Wilmington Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Farie Siemsintinofski01/01/19601168 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Faris Jirjees-sefo Jumaah01/01/19583154 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Farris Najib Gumma01/01/19743310 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Fatime Alievski01/01/19931168 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Federico C. Lucas01/01/19393267 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Firas Wadih Brikho01/01/19773155 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Florian Ioan Tet01/01/19693815 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Forrest Lawrence Sledge01/01/19543587 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Francesca Maria Aiello01/01/19983224 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Frank Joseph Bachelder01/01/19861348 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Frederick Albert Hubbard01/01/19451318 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Frederick E. Marshall01/01/19501553 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Fredrick Farbrother01/01/19603103 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Gabriel Michael Sisoler01/01/19443296 Fulham Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Gabriella Jennie Reseigh01/01/20023113 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Gabrielle Maria Ratkowiak01/01/19973945 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Gabrielle Marie Loche01/01/19991646 Newstead Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Gail Elizabeth Bayne01/01/19563005 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Ganesha Choodappa01/01/19581569 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Garrett Hamilton Lovas01/01/19733753 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Gary Dale Boomer01/01/19533515 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Gary Douglas Runkel01/01/19631183 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Gary Wayne Mott01/01/19631752 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Genevieve Anna Boeberitz01/01/19243852 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Geoffrey Martin Connell01/01/19633126 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
George Anthony Thomas01/01/19901878 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
George Ross George01/01/19641691 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
George Victor Rumble01/01/19561788 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Gerald Christopher Sieh01/01/19583665 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Gerald Gerhardt Krebs01/01/19603177 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Gerald James Eckman01/01/19601317 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Gerald Norman Kitchen01/01/19343748 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Gerald Thomas Johnson01/01/19393891 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
German Clemente Francisco01/01/19683058 Wilmington Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Ghiti Sadeghi01/01/19433071 Wilmington Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Gianna Marie Mrozek01/01/19751408 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Ginger Bree Soja01/01/19781890 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Gladys Julia Leitch01/01/19563854 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Glen James Damron01/01/19561394 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Glenn Eric Carr01/01/19623293 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Glenn Lee Cloud01/01/20003693 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Glenn Sarkus Harkenrider01/01/19713071 Fantail Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Gloria Jean Braddock01/01/19423156 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Gordon Joseph Urban01/01/19601227 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Gordon Keith Platt01/01/19603783 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Grace Catherine Fox01/01/19561805 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Gracelyn Rose Gaw01/01/20003305 Gilsam Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Grant Gerald Rhines01/01/19571347 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Gregory Clifford Kareta01/01/19703161 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Gregory Michael Cowling01/01/19633065 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Gregory Michael Grundner01/01/19591334 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Gregory Michael Swanson01/01/19981121 Brompton Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Gregory Paul Landry01/01/19823149 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Gregory Wayne Young01/01/19641897 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Griffin Lawrence Kubert01/01/19993291 Gilsam Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Guillermo Caliwliw Boado01/01/19461776 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Guimay Lhiu01/01/19543160 Wren Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Gurinderbir Kaur Kahlon01/01/19853253 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Ha Tran01/01/19543636 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Hadeel Butrus Jumaah01/01/19643154 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Haimabati Dash01/01/19823210 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Halden Joseph Stein01/01/19611680 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Haley Ann Caufield01/01/19891198 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Hamzah Rehman01/01/19941576 Cinnabar Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Hania Rehman01/01/20021576 Cinnabar Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Hanna Lou Yaldo01/01/19823144 Wren Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Hannah Mei-li Lam01/01/20021674 Newstead Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Harold James Fairbrother01/01/19813916 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Harpreet Singh Kahlon01/01/19873253 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Harry Joseph Tremonti01/01/19503916 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Heba Poulis Hamami01/01/19753306 Gilsam Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Heidi Ryan Norton01/01/19783835 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Helen Marie Garland01/01/19411832 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Helena Ann Eschendal01/01/19803722 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Henna Ahmed Ghayas01/01/19943072 Fantail Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Henry Alexander Dare01/01/19993714 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Heritianarisoa Rakouth01/01/19533982 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Hiba Faris Jumaah01/01/19933154 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Holly Lyn Porter01/01/19753725 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Howard Douglas Cole01/01/19851912 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Howard Kenneth Grant01/01/19541423 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Hugo Iglesias01/01/19611748 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Husna Siddiqui-Ahmed01/01/19703127 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Ian Charles Pope01/01/19913546 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Ian Michael Robertson01/01/19913894 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Ian-Scott Thomas Davies01/01/19703314 Tottenham Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Iffath Jehan01/01/19643384 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Igor Igorevich Efremov01/01/19941744 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Ihab Faris-jirjees Jumaah01/01/19983154 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Iman Shamoon Kejbou01/01/19573030 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Indigo T. Buikema01/01/19953610 S Livernois Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48307Voted
Ioan Mircea Ghitas01/01/19731949 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Irina Vinkler01/01/19671952 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Iris L. Bolukh01/01/19713267 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Irving Ephraim Sova01/01/19411872 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Iryna Melnychuk01/01/19833476 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Ishan Suresh Patel01/01/19933252 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Ishani Abhay Bhatawdekar01/01/19731605 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jack Clarence Tracy01/01/19793174 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jackie Marie Beck01/01/19581801 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jacob Aaron Egloff01/01/19941132 Brompton Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jacob David Lozier01/01/19791398 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jacob Ebenezer Chen01/01/19661567 W Auburn Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Jacob John Moran01/01/19923747 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jacob Riley Robertson01/01/19933894 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jacqueline Rae Fitzloff01/01/19383781 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jacquelyn Dann Gutc01/01/19843835 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jacques K. Haddad01/01/19523308 Fulham Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jae Nam Lee01/01/19593127 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
James Allan Hobley01/01/19713538 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
James Allan Tourtillott01/01/19611288 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
James Allen Martz01/01/19593858 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
James Christopher Wehrle01/01/19813549 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
James Curtis Uhls01/01/19701244 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
James Edward Wixson01/01/19673212 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
James Gary Martin01/01/19463561 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
James Herman Kleindl01/01/19623675 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
James Joseph Jennings01/01/19593198 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
James Kelly Aiello01/01/19673224 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
James Kevin Connelly01/01/19663197 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
James Leon White01/01/19633729 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
James Lortie01/01/19351831 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
James Michael Berta01/01/19513529 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
James O. Joo01/01/19791644 Wilmington Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
James Peter Waldorf01/01/19603900 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
James Ralph Fredal01/01/19671886 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
James Scott Zych01/01/19523139 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
James Steven Houghtell01/01/19861212 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
James Wade Berry01/01/19491180 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jamie Irene Patterson01/01/19613738 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jamie Keith Ploof01/01/19713553 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jamira Renee Ljuljdjurovic01/01/19953576 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jane Suzanne Monterosso01/01/19551817 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Janet Marie Centers01/01/19651860 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Janet Marie Rose01/01/19583868 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Janet Ty Chin01/01/19723575 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Janine Rochelle Yeokum01/01/19681243 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Janis Ann Coschino01/01/19633114 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jared Norman Bayne01/01/19843005 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Jarod Austin Casey01/01/19943773 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Jarrett Tyler Buikema01/01/19983610 S Livernois Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48307Voted
Jason David Anderson01/01/19823848 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jason Michael Mong01/01/19831895 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Jason Patrick Deneau01/01/19823345 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jason Robert May01/01/19803577 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Jay Bhupen Gandhi01/01/19713677 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jayachandra Bommareddy01/01/19783198 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jayesh Chiman Patel01/01/19803239 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jayne Maurene Dunseith01/01/19583683 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jean Marie Dalimonte01/01/19633679 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jean Pierre Latour01/01/19543844 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Jeannie Irene Hubbard01/01/19481318 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jeevan Chrysostamus Simon01/01/19653875 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jeffery Paul Taylor01/01/19703627 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Jeffery Ralph Snelling01/01/19611816 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jeffrey Alexander Lowe01/01/19731961 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jeffrey Allen Roy01/01/19671159 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jeffrey Craig Dechant01/01/19651713 W Auburn Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jeffrey Craig Drabek01/01/19613235 Fulham Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jeffrey Crawford Buikema01/01/19663610 S Livernois Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48307Voted
Jeffrey Harold Teska01/01/19661808 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jeffrey Joseph Johns01/01/19921972 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jeffrey Lee Mendenhall01/01/19671695 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Jeffrey Leo Richardson01/01/19913918 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jeffrey Thomas Chard01/01/19933615 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Jenifer Elizabeth White01/01/19723792 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jennifer Helen Damman01/01/19783628 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Jennifer Joyce Vangelder01/01/19653175 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jennifer L. Blitz01/01/19753839 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jennifer Lee Zahul01/01/19903563 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jennifer Quynh Nguyen01/01/19913030 Fantail Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Jenny Lynn McClelland01/01/19643492 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jerome Antwon Walton01/01/19833541 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Jerome Rocco Rogers01/01/19933734 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jerred Matthew Rich01/01/19791836 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jesse J. Waldorf01/01/19893900 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Jessica Kathleen Jacks01/01/19823867 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jessica Lynn Carnovsky01/01/19841790 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jessica Lynne Pike01/01/19991657 Wilmington Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jessica Patricia Telles01/01/19873594 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Jiang Lu01/01/19623226 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jill Lauren Hoyt01/01/19851760 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jill Marie Connelly01/01/19683197 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jin-Suk Kang-Park01/01/19611747 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Joan Elizabeth Aiello01/01/19673224 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Joan Elizabeth Shankool01/01/19561878 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Joan McCall01/01/19551762 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Joan Taube Morris01/01/19653186 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Joanna Nikhita Simon01/01/20023875 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Joanne Nadia Ohler01/01/19513655 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jodi Lynn Belcourt01/01/19871407 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Joel William Kleist01/01/19893137 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
John David Frederick01/01/19873572 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
John E. Spitak01/01/19641097 Brompton Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
John Frederick Pagel01/01/19663181 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
John Gerard Jenuwine01/01/19631719 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
John Horton Robinson01/01/19521827 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
John James Coschino01/01/19583114 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
John Jeffrey Bohne01/01/19551703 Wethersfield Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
John Joseph Dunn01/01/19663153 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
John Joseph Laclave01/01/19323791 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
John Lawrence Lacaria01/01/19531310 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
John Phillip Fisher01/01/19503855 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
John Phillip Garfield01/01/19491347 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
John Richard Ireland01/01/19943101 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
John Staines01/01/19571081 W Auburn Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
John William Ireland01/01/19603101 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
John William Robertson01/01/19603894 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jonathan Michael Balun01/01/19751804 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jordan David Guelde01/01/19843824 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jordan Lei Godbee01/01/20023889 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Jorge Arredondo01/01/19593580 S Livernois Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48307Voted
Jose Eusebio Rivera01/01/19433717 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Josef Steven Olsavsky01/01/19543667 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Joseph Allen Dear01/01/19651879 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Joseph Bernard Menzies01/01/19433304 Brompton Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Joseph Eugene Gill01/01/19603742 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Joseph Horace Bastian01/01/19873053 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Joseph John Toland01/01/19871960 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Joseph K. Daoud01/01/19841424 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Joseph Kennedy Lovell01/01/19633833 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Joseph Marcella01/01/19433742 S Livernois Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48307Voted
Joseph Mark Saylor01/01/19663283 Fulham Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Joseph Paul-gerard Vanhout01/01/19643267 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Joseph Richard Zimmerman01/01/19613307 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Joshua David Sliter01/01/19873399 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Joshua Jazel Holloman01/01/19963032 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Joshua Jesse-joseph Wiegand01/01/19813872 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Joshua Lewis Harmon01/01/19733544 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Joshua Patrick Wolf01/01/19903844 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Joyce Marie Pursell01/01/19451590 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Judith Ellen Pawlowski01/01/19573113 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Judith Gail Stewart01/01/19623946 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Judith Lynn Lacaria01/01/19521310 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Julia Delane Berry01/01/19601180 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Julia Faye Mong01/01/19841895 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Julia Lucas Bolukh01/01/20023267 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Julia Michelle Spitak01/01/19951097 Brompton Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Julian Miguel-gutierrez Santos01/01/19923853 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Julie Ann Senkowski01/01/19683280 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Julie Kroll Parks01/01/19603167 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Julie Marie Gelbman01/01/19621589 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Julie Marie Olsavsky01/01/19623667 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Jun Yan01/01/19583102 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Justin David Vanacker01/01/19993313 Tottenham Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Justin Douglas Yee01/01/19843890 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Justin Phillip Hulett01/01/19783265 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Justin Richard Bayne01/01/19843005 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Justin Ryan Brown01/01/19813847 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kaitlyn Elaine Chudick01/01/19823830 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kaitlyn Elizabeth Gornick01/01/19983693 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Kami Ann McLaughlin01/01/19723748 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Kara Marie Olsavsky01/01/19943667 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Karen Allyn Grundner01/01/19521334 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Karen Ann Neiter01/01/19583680 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Karen Louise Coonan01/01/19621803 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Karen Louise Kennedy01/01/19643526 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Karen Lu Murphy01/01/19573530 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Karen Marie Darovitz01/01/19753085 Fantail Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Karen Sue Kulaszewski01/01/19721600 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Karim Ourlis01/01/19863681 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Karl Johannes Stimmel01/01/19921297 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Karl Werner Lambertz01/01/19721318 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Karla Elise Ruegsegger01/01/19603735 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Karla Renee Woita01/01/19693682 S Livernois Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48307Voted
Katarzyna Korytowska01/01/19551826 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Katelynn Ann Polidan01/01/19903452 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Katharine Szewczyk Richardson01/01/19923918 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Katherine A. Stein01/01/19621680 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Katherine Ann Leonard01/01/19533610 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Katherine Mcvie Jennings01/01/19913198 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Katherine Rose Dropiewski01/01/19883154 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Katherine Wang01/01/19981760 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kathleen Ann Bambach01/01/19661698 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kathleen Carol Durak01/01/19783367 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kathleen Clare Frederick01/01/19873572 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kathleen Elizabeth Soetebeer01/01/19411899 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kathleen Marie Runkel01/01/19571183 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kathryn Brosnan Roussey01/01/19633424 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kathryn Sue Hertz01/01/19721094 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kathy Debarr Lam01/01/19731674 Newstead Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Keir Tyler Buikema01/01/20003610 S Livernois Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48307Voted
Keli Lee Sowell01/01/19743086 Fantail Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kelley Anne Ferland01/01/19661894 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kelley Leanne Galbraith01/01/19903460 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kelli Corey Lewandowski01/01/19693750 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Kelly Ann Foster01/01/19841732 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kelly Ann Wedding01/01/19661901 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Kelly Anne Reef01/01/19683960 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kelly Charleane Tyler01/01/19671612 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Kelly Ren Hwa01/01/19843160 Wren Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Kelly Sue Cavanaugh01/01/19651127 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kelly Suzanne Gordon01/01/19721695 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kelly Traskal01/01/20023015 Wilmington Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kenneth Charles Peacock01/01/19413272 Fulham Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kenneth Ernest Smith01/01/19531951 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kenneth Gregory Ashton01/01/19571304 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kerrie Marie Spaven01/01/19941753 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kevin Anthony Beam01/01/19811776 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kevin Donald Ollila01/01/19861900 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kevin Leland Giacchina01/01/19881806 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kevin Michael Craghead01/01/19971287 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kevin Michael Peterson01/01/19793176 Wren Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kevin William Hunt01/01/19923187 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kiersten Michelle Walleman01/01/19963427 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kimberly Ann Collins01/01/19681790 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Kimberly Ann Hobley01/01/19713538 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kimberly Ann Lavallee01/01/19741632 Newstead Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kimberly Ann Wixson01/01/19693212 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kimberly Edith Baker01/01/19651971 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kimberly Louise Edmondson01/01/19611641 Wilmington Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kimberly Lynn Gaw01/01/19683305 Gilsam Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kimberly Lynne Kemler01/01/19681798 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kimberly Otho Grant01/01/19601423 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kimbla R. Williams01/01/19671644 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kinan Omar Takriti01/01/19953130 Wren Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kit-Si Ho01/01/19771726 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kristen Marie Finlay01/01/19681842 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kristen Mary Gubala01/01/19811305 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kristi Marie Robinson01/01/19663139 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kristin Louise Young01/01/19701897 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Kristin Suda Chargo01/01/19671109 Brompton Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kristina Ann Denysenko-Hoh01/01/19833400 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kristine Anne Ireland01/01/19963101 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kristine Elizabeth Lott01/01/19813162 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kristine Inge Mellebrand01/01/19533660 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Krystal Marie Giacchina01/01/19891806 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kumar Balaji Cherukuri01/01/19723212 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kurt Philipp Mueller01/01/19683224 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kyle Dewayne Redwine01/01/19601672 Wilmington Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kyle John Rossilli01/01/19941815 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Kyle Lawrence Redwine01/01/19941672 Wilmington Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kyle William McIntyre01/01/19801759 W Auburn Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Kyrie Lashawn Holloman01/01/19893032 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Lafon Adell Eschendal01/01/19613722 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Lakeah Monique Gabriel01/01/19783556 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Lakshmi Bommareddy01/01/19773198 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Lallitca Lynn Claydon01/01/19793850 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Lana Darleen Powell01/01/19681592 Cinnabar Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Laquata Hale Potts01/01/19441753 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Larisa Jakob Akimova01/01/19503840 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Larry Duane Smola01/01/19573525 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Larry Keith Wiggington01/01/19611840 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Larry Lee Yeokum01/01/19661243 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Latasha Simone Coleman01/01/19891896 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Laura Ann Kaszubski01/01/19731096 Brompton Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Laura Ann Silverman01/01/19991899 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Laura Kay Cabot01/01/19693114 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Lauren Elizabeth Mannor01/01/19883750 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Lauren Marie Wojtowicz01/01/19971689 Wethersfield Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Laurie Anne Ireland01/01/19613101 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Lavaren Scott Gaddis01/01/19893825 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Laxmi Prasad Musunur01/01/19683223 Wren Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Lea Tiffin Pfeifer01/01/19711745 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Leah Hortense Garavaglia01/01/19843605 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Leah Marie Hamilton01/01/19801848 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Leah Ye-gi In01/01/19883140 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Lee Francis Kelly01/01/19423150 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Leen Zabalwai01/01/19823057 Fantail Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Lena Anne Stein01/01/19863766 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Leon Armond Yon01/01/19473712 S Livernois Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48307Voted
Leonardo Enrique Ferrero01/01/19763168 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Leonora Merditaj01/01/19741100 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Leslie Ann Jubb01/01/19643845 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Leslie Dow Kuykendall01/01/19491895 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Lewis Charles Reed01/01/19901137 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Leydya Yatooma01/01/19943159 Wren Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Lihua Chen01/01/19573698 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Liliya F. Och01/01/19823248 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Lina Marie Black01/01/19863842 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Linda Anne Rumble01/01/19611788 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Linda Annette Kelly01/01/19611785 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Linda Carol Wojtowicz01/01/19631689 Wethersfield Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Linda Elizabeth Beaupre01/01/19513271 Fulham Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Linda Estelle Lirette01/01/19491863 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Linda Joyce Martz01/01/19473858 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Linda Lucy Osiecki01/01/19553631 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Linda Sue Hergott01/01/19493301 Tottenham Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Lindsay Beth-gutenschwager Hulett01/01/19833265 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Liping Shih01/01/19483306 Gilsam Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Lisa Ann MacHeas-Waszelewski01/01/19701111 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Lisa Ann Silverman01/01/19691899 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Lisa Carol Snelling01/01/19681816 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Lisa Charlotte Smith01/01/19573881 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Lisa Kay Urban01/01/19601227 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Lisa Lynn Fisher01/01/19811662 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Lisa Marie Peterson01/01/19783176 Wren Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Lora Elaine Smola01/01/19573525 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Lora Jean Loche01/01/19661646 Newstead Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Lorene Kathryn Waldorf01/01/19633900 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Lori Ann Vanacker01/01/19693313 Tottenham Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Lori Lubman01/01/19723351 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Lori Lynn Dechant01/01/19711713 W Auburn Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Lori Lynn Hamilton01/01/19693925 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Lorie Sue Gornick01/01/19723693 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Lorraine Reyes Tervo01/01/19773316 Brompton Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Lorri Jean Zimmerman01/01/19643307 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Louis Michael Deluca01/01/19653540 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Louis Michael Soetebeer01/01/19391899 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Louise Ann Jasinski01/01/19483042 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Lowell Lockhart01/01/19581789 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Lucia Battaglini01/01/19601280 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Lukas Baldwin Senkowski01/01/19953280 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Lukasz Malesinski01/01/19873302 Tottenham Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Luke Anthony Pawlowski01/01/19913113 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Luke Steven Chargo01/01/19981109 Brompton Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Lyle Scott Wyrick01/01/19921737 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Lyndel Adamsky01/01/19461789 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Lyubov Viktorovna Kiseleva01/01/19863825 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Maaz Ahmed01/01/20013127 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
MacKenzie Rae Tillison01/01/20003320 Fulham Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Madhuri Ponugoti01/01/19793211 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Madison Emily Vangelder01/01/19953175 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Madyson Lee Sowell01/01/20023086 Fantail Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Magda Girgis Attia01/01/19483239 Wren Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Maggie Ann-rene Purcell01/01/19863287 Wren Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Majlinda Hila01/01/19711733 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Makayla Nicole Newton01/01/19991864 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Maninder Singh Kahlon01/01/19833253 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Manjulaben Chiman Patel01/01/19453239 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Marc David Kaszubski01/01/19741096 Brompton Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Marc Ronald Woita01/01/19703682 S Livernois Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48307Voted
Marcelino Galve Fermin01/01/19623690 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Marcella Jeanette Nichols01/01/19413786 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Margaret Ann Sisoler01/01/19443296 Fulham Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Margaret Kathryn Ataman01/01/19571745 W Auburn Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Margaret Lee Lewis01/01/19483760 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Margaret Mary Boice01/01/19703161 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Margaret McArthur01/01/19413725 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Margaritt Abunassar Giannetti01/01/19843259 Fulham Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Marguerite Lucillia Lockhart01/01/19291789 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Maria Socorro Pecina01/01/19511815 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Marianne Bohne01/01/19561703 Wethersfield Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Marie Alice Smith01/01/19683309 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Marie Ann Baxtresser01/01/19783541 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Marie Kathleen Breitenbeck01/01/19761784 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Marie King Caumartin01/01/19461710 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Marie Nichole Marshall01/01/19723367 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Marietta Dill01/01/19433680 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Marilyn Joyce Burnham01/01/19343636 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Marilynn Dunlap Youngs01/01/19613077 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Marisa Frances Aiello01/01/19943224 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Marissa Lou Chaudoin01/01/19981753 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Mark Alan Gelbman01/01/19561589 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Mark David Patterson01/01/19593738 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Mark John Burns01/01/19723833 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Mark Joseph Osak01/01/19543232 Wren Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Mark Matthew Mathes01/01/19601184 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Mark Matthew McKinney01/01/19841815 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Mark Raymond Duffy01/01/19663078 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Marlene Lauretta Mihalic01/01/19461594 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Martin Anthony Agosta01/01/19543610 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Martin J. Rome01/01/19513313 Tottenham Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Marusa Sanchez-Ruiz01/01/19713114 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Mary Alice Fairweather01/01/19543236 Fulham Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Mary Ann Haddad01/01/19583308 Fulham Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Mary Catherine Ford01/01/19631423 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Mary Ellen Daniels01/01/19633726 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Mary Frances McGinity01/01/19483700 S Livernois Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48307Voted
Mary Larose Armitage01/01/19821081 W Auburn Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Mary Lynn Andrzejewski01/01/19601919 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Mary Rose Day01/01/19463279 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Mary Susan Downey01/01/19613931 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Mary-Catherine Warczak Cowan01/01/19633560 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Mateen Fatima Khan01/01/19753221 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Matthew Alan Yamarino01/01/19811228 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Matthew Howard Moy01/01/19863874 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Matthew Ian Wright01/01/19823940 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Matthew Lee Parkinson01/01/19723533 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Matthew Robert Spry01/01/19853260 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Matthew Ryan Dalton01/01/19763416 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Maureen Anne Rose01/01/19633089 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Maurice James Gisler01/01/19733114 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Mauro Marco Battaglini01/01/19521280 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Max Mclaren Schmidt01/01/19811789 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Maya Baiyasi01/01/19981621 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Megan Amanda Markwardt01/01/19911960 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Megan Eileen Welenc01/01/19841776 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Megan Elizabeth Miller01/01/19883738 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Megan Lea Harmon01/01/19803544 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Megan Marie Centers01/01/19951744 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Meghan Parkinson01/01/20003533 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Melania Timofti01/01/19633569 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Melanie Ann Geschke01/01/19731265 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Melina Jane Osborne01/01/19561378 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Melinda Scottnorth Saylor01/01/19653283 Fulham Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Melissa Anne Vize01/01/19833628 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Melissa Giselle Diaz01/01/19923090 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Melissa Schroeder Balun01/01/19731804 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Melody Mccoy Lowe01/01/19741961 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Micah Robert Barron01/01/19891690 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Michael Aaron Soetebeer01/01/19703832 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Michael Andrew Koperski01/01/19703574 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Michael Anthony George01/01/19643468 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Michael Craig Powals01/01/19833209 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Michael David Kubert01/01/19663291 Gilsam Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Michael Douglas Michon01/01/19593260 Fulham Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Michael Edward Gubala01/01/19821305 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Michael Eller Marich01/01/19773571 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Michael Eric Frisch01/01/19843585 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Michael Ezzat Messieha01/01/19783029 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Michael Harold Roll01/01/19641187 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Michael J. Biddle01/01/19601770 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Michael James Ball01/01/19911753 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Michael James Jankovich01/01/19811133 Brompton Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Michael John Graham01/01/19901297 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Michael Lee Gottschalk01/01/19903855 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Michael Patrick Malone01/01/19611952 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Michael Phillip Genova01/01/19801364 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Michael Ralph Jankovich01/01/19401133 Brompton Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Michael Rico Morgan01/01/19613427 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Michael Robert Jennings01/01/19943198 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Michael Roland Lavallee01/01/19771632 Newstead Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Michael Ryan Ewald01/01/19931901 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Michael Thomas Moy01/01/19803864 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Michael Vernonkeith Johnson01/01/19723891 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Michael Vincent Dalimonte01/01/19643679 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Michele Denise Vanconant01/01/19551738 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Michele Marie MacHeas-Jackson01/01/19781111 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Michele Marie Tillison01/01/19693320 Fulham Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Michelle Lee Powals01/01/19833209 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Michelle Lynn McIntyre01/01/19791759 W Auburn Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Michelle Marie Swanson01/01/19641121 Brompton Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Michelle Marie-maes Pike01/01/19691657 Wilmington Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Michelle Therese Bottos01/01/19753559 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Michelle Yvette Lavigne01/01/19661089 W Auburn Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Milka Momcilovic01/01/19643295 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Milynn Alisha-kayla Robinson01/01/19981644 Wilmington Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Mira Milovic01/01/19641925 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Mira Vij Parikh01/01/19743295 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Miranda Tereziu01/01/19683769 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Miriam Frisch01/01/19503585 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Mohamad Imad Baiyasi01/01/19621621 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Mohamed Abdel-salam Ahmed01/01/19621440 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Mohammed Abdul Mannan Siddiqui01/01/19763142 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Mohammed Fahim Anwar01/01/19983018 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Mohammed Faisal Anwar01/01/19873018 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Mohammed Habib Ashraf-Khan01/01/19553384 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Mohammed Mustafa Anwar01/01/19533018 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Mohammed Omer Awan01/01/19971748 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Mollie Louise Meyer01/01/19263514 S Livernois Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48307Voted
Mona Ben Aoun01/01/19923156 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Mona Ben-Aoun01/01/19923156 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Monika Maureen Davies01/01/19733314 Tottenham Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Monique Ellen Guelde01/01/19873824 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Morgan Emmor Pope01/01/19663546 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Mujtaba Mohammad Zahoor01/01/19693129 Wren Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Mumtaz Khaliq Awan01/01/19601748 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Myron Omar Clark01/01/19891787 W Auburn Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Myron Stephen Williams01/01/19671644 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Nabihah Shams Chowdhury01/01/19981829 W Auburn Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Nadeem Syed Shuttari01/01/19703303 Wren Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Nadia Youkhanna01/01/19723102 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Nafisa Latif01/01/19551130 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Namra Awan01/01/19941748 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Nancy Ann Egloff01/01/19621132 Brompton Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Nancy Ann Watton01/01/19713772 S Livernois Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48307Voted
Nancy Anne Jezdimir01/01/19553820 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Nancy Ellen Ahern01/01/19573666 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Nancy Jayne Depaola01/01/19523292 Gilsam Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Nancy Stowell Pillion01/01/19391880 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Natalie Marilyn-sue Cloud01/01/20023693 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Natalie Rose Dunn01/01/19993153 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Nathan Edward Fisher01/01/19623545 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Nathan Glen Barhorst01/01/19763609 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Nathan Michael Tervo01/01/19773316 Brompton Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Nathanael Preetham Simon01/01/19983875 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Nathaniel Gerald Chaisson01/01/19921242 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Nebil Joseph Semaan01/01/19461883 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Neha Nilesh Humbad01/01/19823737 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Nekia Lydia Ataman01/01/19761745 W Auburn Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Nicholas Adam Matejzel01/01/19953599 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Nicholas Brendan Roussey01/01/19993424 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Nicholas Brynolf Peterson01/01/20023272 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Nicholas Christopher Wrobel01/01/19883971 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Nicholas Drew Urquhart01/01/19903825 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Nicholas Edward Ryczko01/01/19833787 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Nicholas Frentz01/01/19991748 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Nicholas James Daniels01/01/19883726 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Nicholas Jay Eastman01/01/19891773 W Auburn Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Nicholas Kubert01/01/20013291 Gilsam Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Nicholas Paul Trudgeon01/01/19873750 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Nicholas Robin Thorns01/01/19933255 Wren Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Nicholas Yale Tidey01/01/19941928 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Nicolas Joseph Bastian01/01/19843053 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Nicole Louise Newton01/01/19813755 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Nicole Marie Dalton01/01/19763416 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Nicole Marie Kutchen01/01/19711816 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Nicole Renee Moran01/01/19923747 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Nik Pepaj01/01/19693469 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Nikhil Sai Nandyala01/01/20013175 Wren Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Nikolas Baldwin Senkowski01/01/19973280 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Nilesh Niranjan Humbad01/01/19763737 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Nilesh Prabhakar Phadke01/01/19671605 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Nina Carmen Vonhatten01/01/19531325 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Nina Mcvie Jennings01/01/19573198 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Nisar Ahmed01/01/19673127 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Noah Venkatram Kanumilli01/01/19971936 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Norma Gene Pfund01/01/19331199 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Norma Jean Patterson01/01/19341266 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Norman Jackson Fielder01/01/19411838 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Norman Robert Bayne01/01/19553005 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Nureen Fatima Zahoor01/01/20003129 Wren Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Oleg Borisovich Vinkler01/01/19621952 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Oleh Julianovich Bolukh01/01/19653267 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Oliver Horst Schaller01/01/19753248 Wren Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Olivia Marie Asfar01/01/19893065 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Omar Salah Takriti01/01/19633130 Wren Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Omid Sabbaghi01/01/19813818 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Opal Kathleen Grimsley-Curtis01/01/19381857 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Pamela Jo Parker01/01/19483115 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Pamela Schwandt Layzell01/01/19543655 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Pamela Sue Jankovich01/01/19541133 Brompton Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Pamela Valeria Fandale01/01/19803631 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Paras Suresh Patel01/01/19893252 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Parry Edward Tillison01/01/19643320 Fulham Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Patricia Ann Johnson01/01/19383891 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Patricia Elizabeth Landry01/01/19863149 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Patricia Regina Oosterveen01/01/19631731 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Patricia Rochelle George01/01/19671691 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Patrick Alan Kelley01/01/20013599 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Patrick James Novak01/01/19923440 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Patrick Michael Coonan01/01/19611803 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Patrick Shaun Buckley01/01/19733302 Tottenham Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Paul A. Baker01/01/19641971 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Paul Eric Frisch01/01/19563585 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Paul Kenneth Pawlowski01/01/19573113 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Paul Pysarenko01/01/19531424 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Paula Eileen Spitak01/01/19631097 Brompton Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Paula Jean Ollila01/01/19861900 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Paula Samantha Larose01/01/19681848 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Pearl Virginia Stauffer01/01/19421877 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Petar Momcilovic01/01/19633295 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Peter Andrew Bonucci01/01/19583905 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Peter James Price01/01/19411705 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Peter Martin Jubb01/01/19643845 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Peter Michael Kern01/01/19803888 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Petru Nicolae Ciolac01/01/19741905 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Phillip Allen McCullough01/01/19493525 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Prasanna Lakshmi Antarvedipalem01/01/19713223 Wren Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Pratap Seetharaman01/01/19703225 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Prescott Michael Kemler01/01/19701798 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Rachael Kay Yee01/01/19903890 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Rachel Anne Peterson01/01/19913855 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Rachel Faith MacDonald01/01/20013307 Fulham Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Rachel Louise Connell01/01/19953126 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Rachel M. Aiello01/01/19923224 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Rachel Marie Hamilton01/01/20023925 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Rachel Nicole Rich01/01/19831836 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Rachel Roxanne Thornton01/01/19831959 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Raghdah Akoobi Yousif01/01/19863151 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Rajesh Vasant Parikh01/01/19713295 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Ralph Alexander Bess01/01/19613804 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Ralph Steven Clark01/01/19573443 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Rami Safaa Kalasho01/01/19911564 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Randall James Roy01/01/19631952 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Randall Jon Beck01/01/19621801 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Randy Allen Miller01/01/19743065 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Randy Ivan Trager01/01/19541820 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Rashad Lenard Jackson01/01/19783103 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Raymond Andrion Francisco01/01/20013058 Wilmington Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Raymond James Tyszka01/01/19751574 Newstead Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Raymond John Agren01/01/19661820 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Rebecca Lynn Morris01/01/20013186 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Rebekah Joanne-nadia-deanna Ohler01/01/19853655 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Rebekah Lynn Hamilton01/01/19821753 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Rehma Zahid01/01/19973765 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Renee Angelique Valentin01/01/19731212 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Renee Kim-min-hee Cruce01/01/19863843 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Renee Lynn Urquhart01/01/19913825 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Richard Alan Rutledge01/01/19513652 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Richard C. Snoad01/01/19553545 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Richard Edward Hunt01/01/19563187 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Richard Ernest Smith01/01/19421837 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Richard Ian Preston01/01/19831377 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Richard Jason Struniak01/01/19731890 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Richard Louis Pelkey01/01/19693836 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Richard Michael Rupert01/01/19913143 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Richard Peter Robinson01/01/19663139 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Rita Ann Bryant01/01/19631867 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Rita Bahen Patel01/01/19623252 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Robert Aelred Wayne01/01/19543547 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Robert Anthony Carbone01/01/19661926 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Robert Armond Yon01/01/19813712 S Livernois Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48307Didn't Vote
Robert Christian Shumate01/01/19703735 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Robert Damone Fenn01/01/19683125 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Robert David Boutorwick01/01/19811066 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Robert George Peshke01/01/19603089 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Robert James Newton01/01/19823755 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Robert James Traskal01/01/19583015 Wilmington Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Robert Lee Swanson01/01/19581121 Brompton Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Robert Leland Black01/01/19863842 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Robert Leroy Stobaugh01/01/19561363 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Robert Marcel Lowe01/01/19721637 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Robert Matthew Brown01/01/19663248 Fulham Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Robert Michael Soleau01/01/19563703 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Robert Philip Honkanen01/01/19753610 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Robert Steven Silverman01/01/19691899 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Robert Vern Finlay01/01/19671842 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Robert William Dix01/01/20021423 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Roberto Dax Fournier01/01/19953609 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Roberto Lobrio Ty01/01/19463185 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Rodney Lyle Wyrick01/01/19661737 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Roger Dean Lucas01/01/19513155 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Rohane Arvind Patel01/01/19623196 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Ronald Dee Crowell01/01/19611255 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Ronald Edward-william Unkel01/01/19893757 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Ronald Mark Durak01/01/19723367 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Rosa Isela Ortega-Pacheco01/01/19763100 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Roseann Joy Agren01/01/19561820 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Roseann Joy Scioly01/01/19561820 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Ross Alan Henri01/01/19881333 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Rowena Marzona Baynes01/01/19601363 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Roxanne Jean Kribbs01/01/19521150 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Roy Lavere Webster01/01/19321160 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Ruby L. Watts01/01/19473041 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Ruth Ann Wayne01/01/19593547 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Ruth Ellen Yavornitzky01/01/19543710 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Ryan Gambarini Reseigh01/01/19743113 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Ryan Joseph Fredal01/01/19931886 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Ryan Lee Ahern01/01/19893666 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Ryan Matthew Fisk01/01/19951135 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Ryan Michael Reef01/01/19703960 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Ryan Scott Failla01/01/19903645 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Ryan William Belcourt01/01/19871407 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Saad Ahmed Ghayas01/01/19873072 Fantail Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Saadia Awan01/01/19711748 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Saim Rehman01/01/19981576 Cinnabar Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Saira Nadia Latif01/01/19861130 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Salah Omar Takriti01/01/19983130 Wren Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Salim Zeyad Yatooma01/01/19993159 Wren Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Salvador Emilio Rivera01/01/19881848 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Sam Kathawa01/01/19491658 Wilmington Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Samantha Ann Robertson01/01/19653894 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Samantha June Mott01/01/20021752 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Samantha Marie Pike01/01/19961657 Wilmington Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Sami A. Chowdhury01/01/19631829 W Auburn Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Samir Shamon Youkhanna01/01/19643102 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Samyuktha S. Athreya01/01/20023268 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Sandi Lynn Fenn01/01/19703125 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Sandra Ann Lafevers01/01/19521154 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Sandra Belanger Culver01/01/19543811 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Sandra Marie Fisher01/01/19623545 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Sandra Sue Wolfe01/01/19683804 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Sangeetha G. Mohanraj01/01/19783225 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Sara Habib01/01/19903384 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Sara Mabel Rodriguez-Diaz01/01/19553090 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Sara Marie Yurich01/01/19783868 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Sara Merditaj01/01/19981100 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Sarah Ann Quagliotto01/01/19833874 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Sarah Anne Klann01/01/19781860 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Sarah Danielle Brunet01/01/19863271 Wren Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Sarah Ellen Godbee01/01/20023889 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Sarah Emma-gloria Denis01/01/19993651 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Sarah Kathleen Krzysztalowicz01/01/19813888 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Sarah Marie Auten01/01/19813633 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Sarah Marie Crisp01/01/19763211 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Sarah Marie Dodson01/01/19833566 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Sarah Melissa Lopatin01/01/19833077 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Sarah Michelle Wojtowicz01/01/20011689 Wethersfield Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Sarmad Wadih Brikho01/01/19863155 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Sasa Milovic01/01/19981925 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Sathyamurthy Thiagarajan01/01/19713268 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Schuyler Joseph McHugh01/01/19893580 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Scott Alan Barrett01/01/19713196 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Scott Alan Landry01/01/19701801 W Auburn Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Scott B. Phillips01/01/19843484 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Scott Gregg Elliott01/01/19801837 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Scott Michael Diamond01/01/19913452 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Scott Nicholas Jacks01/01/19813867 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Scott Wilson Powers01/01/19713850 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Sean Christopher Bottos01/01/19743559 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Sean David Purcell01/01/19843287 Wren Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Sergiu Teodor Timofti01/01/19813569 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Seth Michael Soetebeer01/01/20013832 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Shabana Nadeem Shuttari01/01/19693303 Wren Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Shahzeb Hasan Khan01/01/19973384 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Shaika Chowdhury01/01/19771829 W Auburn Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Shajia Begum Anwar01/01/19673018 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Shakera Huda01/01/19521829 W Auburn Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Shamsun Nehar01/01/19843018 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Shanewaz Ahmed01/01/19851796 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Shannon Brooke Downey01/01/19953931 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Shannon Colleen Papez-Rushton01/01/19801881 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Shannon Lorraine Przybyl01/01/19811150 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Sharon Ann-holman Pastori01/01/19641676 Wethersfield Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Sharon Louise Watton01/01/19453772 S Livernois Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48307Voted
Shashikala Ganesh01/01/19621569 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Shawn Christopher Cabot01/01/19733114 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Shawn Ian Crawley01/01/19783115 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Shawn Laren Janicke01/01/19643747 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Shawn Michael Stacey01/01/19693188 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Shawn Nguyen Dagg01/01/19893664 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Sheku Bangurah01/01/20003029 Fantail Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Shelby Ann-margaret Porter01/01/20013725 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Shelley Lynn Belcourt01/01/19651407 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Shelley Renee Stone01/01/19603484 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Shelley Rose McHugh01/01/19643580 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Shelly Ohara Genord01/01/19643188 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Shelly Renee Phillips01/01/19603484 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Sheridan Rae Chaisson01/01/19931242 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Sherrie Lynn Robinson01/01/19531827 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Sherry Ann Eckman01/01/19661317 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Sherry Lee Yagiela01/01/19751430 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Shirley Ann Hunt01/01/19583187 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Shirley Joan Garrison01/01/19343129 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Shouxian Ren01/01/19543160 Wren Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Simon Shamon Youkhanna01/01/19983102 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Sohana Sharmin01/01/19943018 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Sonia Chung01/01/19751815 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Soobia Ahmad01/01/19711576 Cinnabar Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Spring Lee Haselhuhn01/01/19583510 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Sricharan Maruneni01/01/19723211 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Srinivasan Sridaran01/01/19583195 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Stacey Lynn Hobbel01/01/19751594 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Stefan Batu01/01/19511184 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Stelanie Luvetta Marshall01/01/19833020 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Stephan Daniel Abare-Hoyt01/01/19831760 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Stephanie Allar Menzies01/01/19523304 Brompton Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Stephanie Ann Bajorek01/01/19623238 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Stephanie Ann Stouffer01/01/19691428 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Stephanie Anne Saporito01/01/19883712 S Livernois Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48307Didn't Vote
Stephanie Anne-bautista Boado01/01/19711776 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Stephanie Belle Gray01/01/19851815 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Stephanie Lee Wright01/01/19813940 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Stephanie Lynn Abar01/01/19713681 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Stephanie Marie Krane-Boehmer01/01/19773359 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Stephanie Paige George01/01/19981691 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Stephen Charles Foster01/01/19691732 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Stephen Eugene Hilton01/01/19883855 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Stephen James Loche01/01/19601646 Newstead Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Stephen John Dunseith01/01/19523683 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Stephen John Gornick01/01/19583693 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Stephen Michael Morgan01/01/19823901 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Steven Alan Chargo01/01/19651109 Brompton Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Steven Bohne01/01/19911703 Wethersfield Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Steven Craig MacDonald01/01/19693307 Fulham Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Steven Edward Ford01/01/19711423 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Steven Francis Wade01/01/19533309 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Steven Hartley Smola01/01/19873525 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Steven Lee Saunders01/01/19811773 W Auburn Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Steven Paul Eschendal01/01/19603722 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Steven Peter Kosmas01/01/19623832 S Livernois Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48307Voted
Steven Thomas Carpenter01/01/19941868 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Steven Vern Craghead01/01/19671287 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Steven William Bolle01/01/19673854 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Stuart David Peterson01/01/19873669 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Subrat Satpathy01/01/19803079 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Sudheer Mummaneni01/01/19743281 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Sue Shelburne Tremonti01/01/19493916 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Sujatha Sridharan01/01/19623195 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Suk-Jun Kang01/01/19921747 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Sulie Buikema Tyler01/01/19653610 S Livernois Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48307Voted
Sumrana Ahmed01/01/19813142 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Supriya Tamhane01/01/19823079 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Suresh Gordhanbhai Patel01/01/19603252 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Suresh Kumar Nandyala01/01/19693175 Wren Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Susan Elizabeth Markham01/01/19573660 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Susan George01/01/19823044 Fantail Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Susan Gutierrez Santos01/01/19583853 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Susan Kay Mathes01/01/19521184 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Susan Lynne Newton01/01/19731864 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Susan Melampy Dare01/01/19653714 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Suzan S-y Yatooma01/01/19713159 Wren Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Suzanne Marie Rondeau01/01/19623567 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Suzanne Rose Wesp01/01/19581835 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Svitlana Brodyak01/01/19861424 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Swapna Bandlamudi01/01/19803212 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Sydney Krista-maisel Buiteweg01/01/19921928 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Sylvia Pietranilla Brown01/01/19571769 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Syrie Lei Godbee01/01/19683889 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Tahniyath Fatima Zahoor01/01/19763129 Wren Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Tamara Kay Patterson01/01/19571266 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Tammy Lynn Krebs01/01/19673177 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Tara Ashaka Brikho01/01/19803155 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Tara Marie Deneau01/01/19743345 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Tariq Ullah Imtiaz01/01/19993221 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Tasmina Ahmed01/01/19911796 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Tatiana Aretta Crowell01/01/19611255 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Taylor Anne Boone01/01/19931110 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Taylor Catherine Shea01/01/19971886 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Tera Lou Caruso01/01/19811377 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Terri Lynn Mitchell01/01/19621815 W Auburn Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Tetiana Pysarenko01/01/19631424 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Theodore Karl Bugenski01/01/19653152 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Theresa Marie Genova01/01/19801364 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Theresa Renee Travnik01/01/19571880 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Thomas Francis Senkowski01/01/19583280 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Thomas George01/01/19813284 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Thomas Ian Wayne01/01/19943547 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Thomas James Amell01/01/19503741 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Thomas John Janicke01/01/19643747 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Thomas Lloyd Hergott01/01/19463301 Tottenham Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Thomas Patrick Coonan01/01/19971803 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Tiandra Marie Arredondo01/01/19733580 S Livernois Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48307Voted
Timothy Jason Miller01/01/19741220 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Timothy John Donaven01/01/19723674 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Timothy Martin Egloff01/01/19591132 Brompton Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Timothy Michael Morton01/01/19651122 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Timothy Richard Rushton01/01/19811881 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Todd Allan Hoh01/01/19743400 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Todd Craig Culver01/01/19543811 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Todd Edward Stone01/01/19633484 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Todd Michael Minton01/01/19723950 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Tom Marek Dzierzanowski01/01/19793017 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Tony Hunter Dechant01/01/20011713 W Auburn Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Tonya Louise Garfield01/01/19711347 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Touseef Ur Rehman01/01/19641576 Cinnabar Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Tracey Ann Sheldon01/01/19833197 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Tracey Marie Thomas01/01/19691748 Tamm Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Trailokyanath Padhi01/01/19793210 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Travis Daniel Lewis01/01/19753760 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Travis Lee Hurt01/01/19723401 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Trevor Jacob Giannetti01/01/19823259 Fulham Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Tri Viet Nguyen01/01/19683030 Fantail Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Turkessa Shanta Joo01/01/19781644 Wilmington Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Tyera Danielle Lovejoy01/01/19853266 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Tyler James Zahul01/01/19903563 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Tyler Jeffrey Drabek01/01/19933235 Fulham Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Tyler R. Wayne01/01/19963547 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Tyrone Patrick Gallagher01/01/19651718 Wethersfield Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Valentina Vasilyevna Kiseleva01/01/19463825 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Valerie Anne Robbins01/01/19451153 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Valerie Yousif Georges01/01/20003723 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Vance Istifo01/01/19803144 Wren Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Vasil Tereziu01/01/19613769 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Veronica Violet Hart01/01/19481795 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Vicki Dolores Denis01/01/19723651 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Vicki Lynn Pelkey01/01/19723836 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Vickie Lynn Morton01/01/19661122 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Viktor Vasilyevich Khabarov01/01/19651792 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Vincent John Battani01/01/19853253 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Vincent Patrick Hamilton01/01/19653925 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Virsa Singh Kahlon01/01/19543253 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Vjollce Pepaj01/01/19723469 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Wallace Ronald Rushing01/01/19473401 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Walter Charles Powell01/01/19541785 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Walter John Kulesza01/01/19643247 Fulham Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Wayne Riley Schwartz01/01/19653599 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Wende Renee Sova01/01/19761872 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Wendy Leung Cracchiolo01/01/19881865 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Wesley Michael Middendorff01/01/19823383 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
William Alexander Jezdimir01/01/19513820 Cone Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
William Archie Tacheny01/01/19623308 Davenport Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
William Dale Gaw01/01/19653305 Gilsam Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
William Dale Stewart01/01/19633946 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
William Dennis Kluge01/01/19461860 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
William Donald Stouffer01/01/19501428 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
William Edward Bovensiep01/01/19733550 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
William Edward Bovensiep01/01/20023550 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
William Frederick Pfeifer01/01/19721745 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
William Howard Wesp01/01/19521835 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
William John Fisher01/01/19811662 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
William Randall Collins01/01/19711773 W Auburn Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
William Robert Blake01/01/19701916 Grace Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
William Robert Lee01/01/19801961 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
William Russell Dubrul01/01/19553537 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
William Scott McLean01/01/19923620 Samuel Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
William Sherman Coy01/01/19903141 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Willie James Holloman01/01/19643032 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Willie Watts01/01/19443041 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Wilson Elia Bairi01/01/19533302 Tottenham Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Wolfgang Uhl01/01/19431733 June Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Woon Jae Lee01/01/19623127 Fantail Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Xhuljan Pepaj01/01/19963469 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Xinchun Wang01/01/19573698 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Younus Ahmed01/01/19703127 Lexham Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Yuejiao Xu01/01/19651760 Alsdorf Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Yuliya Aleksandrovna Messieha01/01/19843029 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Yumna Zahid01/01/19913765 Crooks Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Yvonne Billie Davie01/01/19483611 Dearborn Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Yvonne Denise Shannon01/01/19501108 Brompton Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Zachary James Lott01/01/19773162 Courtfield Dr, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Zachary Vincent Hamilton01/01/19973925 Alida Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Zaeem Syed Shuttari01/01/19993303 Wren Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Zahid Latif01/01/19541130 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Zaid Adil-yakoub Hamami01/01/19723306 Gilsam Ct, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Zaid Zeyad Yatooma01/01/19923159 Wren Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Zain Ansari01/01/19873384 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Zebadiah Zeal-ben Israel01/01/19741649 Gilsam Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Zella Jeanette Landry01/01/19331830 Ruby Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Zeyad Saleem-zaiya Yatooma01/01/19653159 Wren Ln, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Zola Mae Webster01/01/19301160 South W Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted
Zorika Simoski01/01/19633594 Mildred Ave, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Zubair Ahmed01/01/19793043 Wilmington Blvd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Didn't Vote
Zuhayr S. Chowdhury01/01/20011829 W Auburn Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48309Voted



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